Staking Pool

The staking pool will manage the assets of stakers. Specifically, it handles the following:

1. Collection of Staked Assets

➡️Assets are staked in the form of $MARQ

➡️Stakers are then credited Staked $MARQ (sMARQ) to represent their share of the staked pool

2. Distribution of Staking Rewards

➡️Rewards are minted when a user purchases a bond

➡️They are distributed every epoch (currently set at 8 hours)

➡️sMARQ balance will be automatically compounded in each epoch.

3. The staking pool will be eligible for a share of returns generated by the Vault

➡️The portion of returns to be distributed will be managed by Marquee's DAO Governance.

4. Withdrawal of Staked Assets

➡️When a staker unstakes, the sMARQ is burned and the holder receives MARQ in equal amount.The total number MARQ and sMARQ always equal and the two can always be exchanged in1:1.

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